As one of the UK’s largest recruitment agencies, Mint is always on the hunt for a management software to support their efforts and get the best out of their candidates and employees. According to Steve Bowe, Mint’s commercial director, In the last 15 years Mint used four different platforms to deal with its staffing requirements, but none of them were able to be bespoken enough for the unique procedures they have.
The Challenge - How to manage a large pool of workers and keep them engaged?
The main issue, says Steve, is the recruitment and retention of temporary workers in the hospitality industry, especially following the Covid pandemic.
״Since we implemented Ubeya, the number of shifts per worker per month more than doubled.״ Why did this happen? Because if the workers are more engaged, they tend to work more. ״Ubeya is much more engaging than other platforms, so the candidates use the app a lot more. because the engagement is high, workers are more committed and accountable, they confirm shifts quicker and are less likely to drop out of their shifts. They can see all the information they need and they can view how much they’ll be paid. Tech plays a big part in getting the worker to feel valued”, says Steve.

An additional great benefit of worker retention due to worker engagement is that it allows recruitment agencies to invest less in hiring campaigns and reduce recruitment costs. Steve Shared with us, “We’ve not increased any of our advertising budgets as we've gone through peaks in the year, because we’re getting more out of our workers. We usually double our advertising budget for a peak month in summer and the same again at Christmas. We've not done that this year.”

Using AI to perfect the scheduling process and keep the clients satisfied
When it comes to managing a large pool of workers, the scheduling solution has a great role to play. Recently we launched a new scheduling system that uses AI to give you insights and signs to help you make more knowledgeable scheduling decisions.
“When you hover over a staff member's name and it tells you if the client likes them, how many shifts they've done and where they've worked before, you have all the vital information you need for the booking process. This system is crucial in keeping our clients satisfied, because they obviously want good people, but they prefer to consistently receive the same good people. That information helps us to facilitate the process and saves a lot of time and money. We've drastically increased our turnover in the last twelve months and we've not drastically increased our headcount, And a big part of that is down to Ubeya.”
As we see AI platforms such as ChatGPT emerge, we at Ubeya strongly believe in the help of AI with scheduling. We can see how right now Ubeya’s scheduling AI is reducing many hours of work on scheduling for recruitment agencies and businesses.
What’s next for Mint?
Mint’s plan is to carry on extending throughout the UK, Increasing their presence and working with more nationally based businesses. Investing back in their industry is something that Mint’s looking to do heavily, and so they partner with charities such as Hospitality Action. Mint wants to carry on promoting that hospitality is a good place to be in, and Ubeya is right by their side.