As a busy caterer or event management professional you have three major responsibilities in regards to staff: recruiting, scheduling (or staffing) and salaries.

Let’s explore your primary jobs to be done, and how Ubeya’s web and mobile solution can make your life easier and save you time and money.
1. Recruiting. And then more recruiting.
There is a high level of turnover among event staff such as bartenders, waiters and captains. Even when you are swamped with work, somehow you are always recruiting more staff.

Help is here:
Ubeya Marketplace
Ubeya will be opening a subscriber-only marketplace for event staff including food servers and bartenders, where you will have access to these experienced staff members along with their performance ratings and reviews. Using the Ubeya marketplace will help streamline the screening process.
Staff Referrals
Your existing staff can be your best recruiting option. By offering your staff digital solutions to help them do their job, they are more likely to refer friends.
Mobile Solution
Let’s face it, many of your staff expect a digital process, if you try to bury them with email and calls, they will accept jobs from agencies or caterers that have a streamlined booking process. Giving staff an all-in-one solution to keep track of their schedule is good business. Retaining good talent is key.
2. Scheduling.
For each event, you have to identify a staffing budget, match staff to the needs of an event, figure out who is available, get confirmations, follow-up with each staffer and send out event specific details.
And then cancellations, absenteeism, and/or shift switching.
Did I mention that you are juggling scheduling multiple events at the same time with overlapping employees?
And let’s not even talk about wedding season and holiday parties. Sound familiar? Can’t keep track of all this?

We feel your pain and we have a solution.
Comprehensive Digital Scheduling Solution
Scheduling is at the core of Ubeya's solution. Ubeya makes scheduling simple. Really. Once all staff members sign-in to the app — the magic begins. You send out booking requests and Ubeya does all the rest. Staffers can accept or decline while on-the-go using the mobile app, and let’s face it: they are always on-the-go. Confirmations are automatically added to the system and notifications solve friction with communication. Both you and your staff now have a dashboard with all the relevant event specific info in one central location.
Scheduling Data At Your Fingertips
As a manager, you have stats on each staffer including acceptance rates, availability, events already scheduled, bookings requested and ratings. Clients have told us using Ubeya has literally cut their time spent on booking in half or more!
3. Salary calculations.
There is real time and there is event time. Time seems to move faster during busy events.
Tracking who’s checked in and at what time seems like low priority when there are 19 unexpected guests, an oven that isn’t working or a missing delivery.
When the event is done, your salary duties begin including calculations for daily or weekly overtime salaries.

We got this:
GPS check-in
Ubeya offers GPS check-in. As a manager, you will be able to ensure that they check-in only when they arrive on the work-site. The same goes for checking out. Once checked in, hours and salaries are automatically calculated, saving you hours of work.
Overtime costs
Can kick in per day and per week. Ubeya tracks totals for each staffer by day or week, according to parameters that you set. Event managers can use this info to create and adjust schedules to reduce overtime costs.
Padding hours
Without a punch clock staffers may round-up when reporting hours worked. GPS check-in and check-out helps you accurately track the hours worked.